InSession exam countdown emails
Now that you're getting ready to sit exams, it's a good time to explore the support resources on this page and across the website. We know that this can be a bit daunting - but don't worry. Once you've booked an exam, you'll start to receive InSession our series of learning support emails. These weekly, tailored emails will signpost the core support resources and activities that you should be completing each week as you count down to exam day.
Book your exam now to start receiving tailored support straight to your inbox.
Study phases
Your study schedule will depend on a number of factors including how many exams you're taking, your work commitments, whether you're in full time or part time study as well as your other life commitments. So before you start studying for an exam, it's important to take time to think about your exam strategy and plan your route through the exams.
Once your decided the order to take your exams you will want to set out a study schedule. Explore the various phases of study in the build up to take an exam, and discover the key resources to use at each phase.