ACCA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the LSB’s consultation on its proposed three-year strategy and its business plan for 2018/19. We look forward to contributing to the development and delivery of its strategic plans.
We are encouraged by the progress the LSB has made against its existing 2015-18 strategy. The LSB has secured improvements in the legal services market for consumers, providers and the public by enhancing regulatory performance and focussing on the regulatory objectives. The draft strategy for 2018-21 builds on this and recognises that there is scope to deliver further improvements over the next three years. We support the focus on the public interest by way of proportionate regulation, improved access to legal services, and increased innovation and competition through the diversity of service providers. In particular, we welcome the strategic focus on regulators’ performance as this is core to the role of an oversight regulator, and it is important that this process is transparent and remains robust.
Where appropriate, we have suggested further improvements to the LSB’s draft strategic plan 2018-21 and business plan for 2018/19, detailed comments which can be found in the document below.