
Narrative reporting is the information aside from the financial statements that is provided in an organisation's annual report. Not only does it enable investors and other stakeholders to fully understand and analyse the performance of the organisation, it also provides insight into its risks and how its managed.

This course provides a detailed overview of the key concepts behind narrative reporting. Discover the best practices for narrative reporting including how to discuss business models, risks and uncertainties. Familiarise yourself with the key quantitative and qualitative key performance indicators that you should include and consider the practicalities of implementing narrative reporting in your organisation.

In this course you will:

  • expertly draft the ‘front end’ of the annual report
  • understand the benefits and challenges of narrative reporting
  • explain clearly and succinctly, your organisation’s business model and strategy
  • select the right key performance indicators and explain the relative performance against target
  • implement successful narrative reporting and ensure communication is as effective as possible

Key information

  • now with personalised course notes to download and keep
  • learn at your own pace
  • help meet your annual CPD requirements
  • exclusive member benefit – 10% discount
  • iPad/Android compatible.
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