1 Foot in the door
Far from being a last resort, temporary contracts can help you get that vital first foot in the door of an employer. Some employers have limits on the numbers of permanent employees they can take on, and as a result they have to hire temporary contract staff. Sometimes these contracts can last several months, giving you the opportunity to gain a valuable insight into the workings of the company in order to make yourself indispensable if a permanent opportunity arises.
2 All in your stride
Whatever your role, make sure you are willing to take on whatever is handed to you. Although you must always ensure that you get your direct actions done on time and to a high standard, being enthusiastic about even potentially boring administrative tasks can show that you are flexible and have a good attitude. The more you pitch in and show that you are a team player, the more your colleagues will respect you and think of you as more than just ‘the temp’.
3 Networking
If your contracts end without turning into anything permanent, use the experience of working for different organisations, and meeting people with different backgrounds and careers, as a unique learning opportunity. In addition to the valuable experience you gain by doing different tasks and jobs – which can all count towards your practical experience requirement – temping allows you to form personal networks that should stand you in good stead in the future.