Persuasion, influencing and negotiation

How to be more assertive and get noticed
In this webinar you’ll learn how to prepare points, make insightful contributions, and behave with greater confidence so that you can make a positive and lasting impression
Going beyond the data: how to influence and persuade for positive impact
Numbers and rational persuasion are rarely enough by themselves to change minds and influence action. In this webinar you’ll master multiple influencing tactics, including building coalitions, applying pressure, and making inspirational appeals
AB article with multiple-choice questions
The benefits of office politics
‘Playing the game’ at work isn’t necessarily a bad thing; you can be both political and principled
The cost of perfectionism
While job candidates may think perfectionist tendencies are beneficial, research shows that their impact is not so positive
How to be an expert negotiator
Skilled negotiators can build enduring trust in four compelling ways
Honing your persuasive skills will win over audiences
The art of persuasion takes skill and attention to detail. Dr Rob Yeung looks at how entrepreneurs win over investors and asks what lessons we could learn