Nullified results

If your exam response is found to contain elements which undermine the validity and credibility of your exam result you may receive a nullified result.

Ensuring the validity of exam results

If your exam response is found to contain elements which undermine the validity and credibility of your exam result you may receive a nullified result. 

We ensure the validity and credibility of exam results through our quality control processes by:

  • using the most robust and rigorous form of live invigilation
  • running multiple quality assurance post-exam procedures to identify possible irregularities in exam responses
  • having a team of experts sit on our Irregular Results Panel to review and consider irregular exam responses.

To maintain the security of our exam model and processes we do not disclose the exact nature of the irregularities identified when nullified results are issued. However, in accordance with our exam regulations, we can confirm that if we have reason to believe,

  • a remote exam has been taken in a location where it is not permitted, or
  • a VPN connection has been used to take a remote exam

the student will have their result nullified.

A student would not receive a nullified result for reasons relating to a technical issue or fault.

Consequences of a nullified result

In accordance with Exam Regulation 20, if ACCA suspects, or has cause to believe, that there has been irregular conduct and/or identifies anomalous testing results in connection with your examination (identified during the examination itself or identified by ACCA after the examination), it reserves the right to nullify your exam result, not refund your exam fee, and/or withhold your examination results and/or suspend your ability to sit further ACCA examinations.

If you receive 2 or more nullified results from December 2024 you will no longer be permitted to enter for remotely invigilated exams. 

Our Irregular Results panel

Meet before the release of the March, June, September, and December exam session results and must consist of at least four persons including one independent representative, one Oxford Brookes representative and two ACCA representatives.

The panel’s remit is to consider the validity and credibility of exam results and determine on the appropriate outcome.  These potential outcomes include:

  • Releasing the result
  • Nullifying the result
  • Withholding the result temporarily to allow for further investigation.

Appealing a nullified result

Any student who receives a nullified result has the right of appeal if they believe that ACCA did not apply its procedures correctly in considering their case.  To do so, students must appeal to the Head of Exam Delivery within 14 days of being notified of their nullified result following email address:

Your appeal will then be forwarded to the Irregular Results Appeal Panel for consideration. You may find further information relating to ACCA’s Exam Regulations and Guidelines by following the links provided below.

Access Exam Regulations

Access Exam Guidelines