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The global body for professional accountants
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HMR Accountancy Limited85 Great Portland Streetlondon
United KingdomW1W7LT |
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Sector expertiseAdvertising, Arts and Cultures Industries, Catering (Pubs, Restaurants, Food and Drink), Construction Industry, Dentists, Distribution and Transport, Doctors, Education, Entertainment, Estate Agents, IT/Software, Manufacturing, Motor Retailers, Printing and Publishing, Retail, Service Industries, Sub-Contractors, Telecommunications Services offeredBusiness process improvements, Business start-up and company formation, Company secretarial service, Data processing services, Limited company accounts, Management accounting consultancy, Management advice to business, Management consultancy, Partnership / sole trader accounts, Tax and NI investigations, Tax(CGT, Corporate, IHT, Personal and VAT) Certificates held
Wholly composed of Chartered Certified Accountants |
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Please note that the principals listed in the firms in this directory are the ACCA principals. Non-ACCA principals are not shown.
To find out if the firm is regulated for audit or investment business or is wholly composed of Chartered Certified Accountants, please refer to the ‘Certificates held’ category for the firm.
To find out more about the certificate types, please visit our 'Certificates explained'.
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