Policy and insights report
Global policy on taxation of companies: Principles and practices
Supporting the global profession
Accountants at the heart of SME resilience and growth
Supporting the global profession
Sustainability reporting hub
Supporting the global profession
Bribery and corruption – The hidden social evil on your doorstep
Supporting the global profession
PFM Performance in Africa
Supporting the global profession
Look before you leap: Is running an accounting practice right for you?
Supporting the global profession
Sustainability in transactions
Supporting the global profession
SMEs: Business challenges and strategic innovation opportunities
Supporting the global profession
The role of the CFO and finance function in the climate transition: driving value and sustainability
Supporting the global profession
Public sector: Preparing for sustainability reporting and assurance
Supporting the global profession
Ethical dilemmas in an era of sustainability reporting
Supporting the global profession
Leading the change
Supporting the global profession
Integrative thinking: the guide to becoming a value-adding CFO
Supporting the global profession
Accounting for Society’s Values
Supporting the global profession
Chief Value Officer - the important evolution of the CFO
Supporting the global profession
Reporting of R&D: Disclosure without recognition?
Supporting the global profession
Twelve tenets of tax
Supporting the global profession
Green finance skills: the guide
Supporting the global profession
Sustainability assurance – rising to the challenge
Supporting the global profession
Integrated thinking – the key to SMEs’ resilience?
Supporting the global profession
Green budgeting: a toolkit for public sector finance professionals
Supporting the global profession
SME Toolkit: Creating a sustainable world
Supporting the global profession
Public sector professionalisation
Supporting the global profession
Professional scepticism and cognitive biases in audit
Supporting the global profession
SMP career toolkits
Supporting the global profession
Financial shared services to global business services models: a journey worth taking?
Supporting the global profession
Companies' readiness to adopt IFRS S2 Climate-related disclosures
Supporting the global profession
Practical toolkits for SMEs and SMPs
Supporting the global profession
Strengthening the wider corporate reporting ecosystem: are we entering a new audit era?
Supporting the global profession
Supply chains: a finance professional’s perspective
Supporting the global profession
Rethinking public financial management
Supporting the global profession
How SMEs can create a more sustainable world
Supporting the global profession
Closing the expectation gap in audit: the way forward on fraud and going concern: a multi-stakeholder approach
Supporting the global profession
The challenges for medium sized businesses post Covid-19
Supporting the global profession
Climate change risk-related disclosures in extractive companies – a follow up report
Supporting the global profession
Is cash still king? Maximising the benefits of accrual information in the public sector
Supporting the global profession
The capitalisation of intangibles debate: software development costs
Supporting the global profession
Auditing the pandemic: transparency, accountability and inclusiveness of the use of emergency funding for Covid-19
Supporting the global profession
Invisible threads: communicating integrated thinking
Supporting the global profession
Leading inclusion: simple steps significant leaps
Supporting the global profession
Gender Responsive Budgeting
Supporting the global profession
The capitalisation of Intangibles debate
Policy and insights report
Leading inclusion
Supporting the global profession
Professional accountants changing business for the planet: a guide to natural capital management
Supporting the global profession
Tenets of business law
Supporting the global profession
Foundations for a Sound Tax System: Simplicity, Certainty, Stability
Policy and insights report
Responsible SMP pacesetters
Supporting the global profession
Careers in small and medium sized accountancy practices (SMPs)
Supporting the global profession
Sustainable public finances through Covid-19
Supporting the global profession
Insights into integrated reporting 4.0: The story so far
Supporting the global profession
Auditing the SDGs: Progress to 2030
Supporting the global profession
Combating bribery in the SME sector
Supporting the global profession
Global policy on taxation of companies: principles and practices
Supporting the global profession
Social and environmental value creation
Supporting the global profession
Business Forms: Building the legal framework to help business succeed
Supporting the global profession
Showcasing good practices in Public Financial Management, a joint series by IFAC and ACCA
Supporting the global profession
Insights into integrated reporting 3.0: The drive for authenticity
Supporting the global profession
Closing the expectation gap in audit
Supporting the global profession
How accountants can bridge the global infrastructure gap: Improving outcomes across the entire project life cycle
Supporting the global profession
Business forms: understanding the issues
Supporting the global profession
The capitalisation debate: R&D expenditure, disclosure content and quantity, and stakeholder views
Supporting the global profession
G20 public trust in tax: Surveying public trust in G20 tax systems
Supporting the global profession
Scale-up success: what do SMEs need to supercharge their growth?
Supporting the global profession
Technology tools and the future of tax administration
Supporting the global profession
Tax as a force for good: rebalancing our tax systems to support a global economy fit for the future
Supporting the global profession
Thinking small first: Towards better auditing standards for the audits of less complex entities
Supporting the global profession
Social mobility and the public sector
Supporting the global profession
Business forms: ACCA guides to the options for starting up
Supporting the global profession
Tenets of good corporate governance
Supporting the global profession
Key audit matters: unlocking the secrets of the audit
Supporting the global profession
Insights into integrated reporting 2.0: walking the talk
Supporting the global profession
Tenets of a quality audit
Supporting the global profession
Tenets of good corporate reporting
Supporting the global profession
Purpose and the profession
Supporting the global profession
Directors responsibilities for financial reporting
Supporting the global profession
The Sustainable Development Goals: redefining context, risk and opportunity
Supporting the global profession
IPSAS implementation: current status and challenges
Supporting the global profession
Banishing bias? Audit, objectivity and the value of professional scepticism
Supporting the global profession
Insights into integrated reporting: challenges and best practice responses
Supporting the global profession
G20 public trust in tax
Supporting the global profession
Enterprise performance management: an eye on performance
Supporting the global profession
Use and usefulness of integrated reporting
Supporting the global profession
Materiality and conciseness in Integrated Reporting
Supporting the global profession
Mapping the sustainability landscape
Supporting the global profession
Effective speak-up arrangements for whistle-blowers
Read the article
Supporting the global profession
Profitability and cost analysis: an eye on value
Supporting the global profession
Performance reporting: an eye on the facts
Supporting the global profession
Planning, budgeting and forecasting: an eye on the future
Supporting the global profession
Financial insight: challenges and opportunities
ACCA's global forums
Created to contribute to our technical and research work on issues facing business and the accountancy profession