Partner Schools in Canada

As an ACCA student, you can continue your education in Canada while seeking a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a Canadian accredited institution. Select Canadian schools have been accredited by ACCA, meaning certain accounting, finance and business programs are eligible for ACCA exemptions. For more information and a detailed listing of University and College partnership, please visit ACCA’s international undergraduate options website here. Search the ACCA exemptions calculator to learn which ACCA exams would be exempt in your journey, after graduating from the school and program of your choice. Contact the Registrar/Admissions office at the school of your choice to ask about their admission requirements. 

Digital Learning Provider

We are very pleased to share that ACCA North America has partnered with Platinum Learning Provider, Accountancy as our preferred digital learning provider to deliver online tuition for all ACCA exams.

Accounting and finance qualifications and certifications

As an ACCA member, should you wish to pursue additional education to aid in your skill development, there are many organizations offering highly regarded and specialized qualifications and certifications.

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)

If an ACCA member needs to become an Associate Member of ACFE, submit a certification application and pass the CFE Examination – a self-administered, Windows-based program that tests your knowledge and expertise in the four primary areas of frazbud investigation: Fraud Prevention and Deterrence, Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes, Investigation and Law. Visit the ACFE website for eligibility and testing requirements. 

Phone: 416-480-9475
Fax: 416-480-1813

Association of Canadian Forensic Investigators (ACFI) 

The Association of Certified Forensic Investigators of Canada (ACFI) is a federal not-for-profit corporation which is the accrediting organization responsible for administering the Certified Forensic Investigators' program in Canada.  

The ACFI provides services such as seminars, conferences, specialized training, networking, periodic e-newsletters, as well as a web site with articles and educational tools to assist members and others with a comprehensive guide to aid in understanding and dealing with fraud and its related issues.

Tel: 416 226 3018
Toll-free Tel: 877 552 5585

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) is an international professional association. The IIA is the internal audit profession’s global voice, recognized authority, acknowledged leader, chief advocate, and principal educator. 

The IIA has partnered with ACCA to offer ACCA members a supporting exception for Certified Internal Auditor (CIA). Your ACCA membership is recognized by the IIA as satisfying the education and professional experience requirements for the CIA program. For more information on the program and to apply, please visit our dedicated webpage.

Tel: +1-407-937-1111 (USA)

Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA)

CPA Canada is the national organization established to support a unified Canadian accounting profession.

The MRA between ACCA and CPA was terminated on April 30, 2021. At this current time, a new MRA has not been reached. We remain committed to working with CPA Canada to negotiate a way forward. The door is not closed, and our relationship is collaborative. We both believe that dialogue about the value of the profession in Canada - and globally - is important.

Please note in the absence of a MRA agreement, ACCA members still have access to the CPA Qualification through the route for Members of International Federation of Accounts (IFAC) member bodies, please find more information the CPA Canada website. For more information on attaining the CPA qualification, please visit the CPA provincial and regional accounting bodies site for individual requirements here.

277 Wellington St. West
Toronto, ON
M5V 3H2 

Tel: 416 977 0748
Toll free: 1 800 268 3793

ACCA North America’s Partnership with University of Toronto Scarborough

University of Toronto Scarborough students who successfully complete their MAccFin graduate degree will be eligible for direct entry to the ACCA Strategic Professional Level exams, while a student who successfully graduates with their BBA Accounting Specialist degree will receive exemptions from all nine Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams on a fast track to the ACCA qualification. For more information on the partnership, please visit the UofT website.

For more information please contact us at to request a copy of the ‘ACCA North America Orientation Guide’.