How much budget will ACCA contribute to my Link Up?

In general, ACCA will contribute up to 250 GBP per Link Up, which can be used towards non-alcoholic refreshments and/or light catering, however, additional budget may be awarded depending on the request. All fees are initially paid by the Link Up host who shall be required to submit an invoice and receipts for reimbursement by ACCA after the event.


Do I have to book any speakers or think of a topic?

As Link Ups are tailored to be small-scale social gatherings or activities, they aren't required to have any formal structure, unlike CPD events. This isn’t to say if you have an interesting connection that you think people might like to hear from or chat to, that you can’t invite them along to be part of it!


How much notice do I have to give ACCA in order to host one?

To ensure we can support with the promotion of your Link Up, formal submissions must be received with at least 15-20 working days lead time of your proposed date. The earlier your submission, the better!


How will people know about my Link Up?

ACCA will promote all upcoming Link Ups to members in the UK monthly and will also help with promoting these on social channels, however, as they are member-led by nature, we expect that Link Up organisers and hosts also promote these via their own social channels and by means such as company intranets, word of mouth, etc.

To ensure that ACCA can provide the best possible support for promotion, we advise you submit your host request form at least 3-4 weeks prior to your planned date.


What type of venue should I use?

As these are small-scale gatherings, venues such as local coffee shops, pubs, etc. are ideal, but this all depends on your Link Up idea! Make sure to consider a few factors when looking for a venue, i.e., budget, capacity, location, accessibility, food/drink options, etc. Remember, the overall aim for Link Up is to create a sense of community in a relaxed and enjoyable setting where members can connect and chat about things that really matter to them!