The more questions that you practise and the more you familiarise yourself with the exam format, the better you are likely to perform in the exams.
The Practice Tests are an excellent additional source of exam-style questions. When you complete a Practice Test you will receive a score, but more importantly you will also receive a personalised feedback diagram showing how you have performed across the syllabus. You can use the diagram for an at a glance view of your strengths and weaknesses, which will allow you to plan your final revision before you take a live exam.
For more information go to the section on How to get the best out of my Practice Test.
The tests replicate the format of on-demand computer-based exams (CBE) and are available for the following exams:
You can only buy practice tests that correspond to the qualification you’re enrolled under. For example, if you’re an FIA student, you won’t be able to purchase any ACCA practice tests (i.e. LW) and vice-versa.
If you change from FIA to ACCA, you’ll then be able to buy ACCA practice tests.
You can log into myACCA to purchase tests. You can purchase a single Practice Test or a set of three tests for that subject. We know that you want to do as much practice as possible so we are offering discounts when you buy all three.
Prices: Single test pack of three test
MA1, FA1, MA2, FA2 £5 £10
BT to FA (FFA, FBT, FMA) £7 £14
LW £9 £18
There are three unique Practice Tests for each available exam. When you are due to start your practice test you will choose to sit Test 1, Test 2 or Test 3.
An individual test can be completed and submitted only once for marking. After you submit a test for marking you can revisit the test feedback as much as you need to, but you cannot make any changes to your answers.
The best way to measure your progress is to challenge yourself with a new set of questions. This means that it would be better for your revision if you took the three different tests.
No, the pack of three tests will be purchased will be for the same subject. (i.e. Business and Technology (BT), tests 1, 2 & 3)
The tests are valid for 90 days from the date of purchase. You have 90 days to complete the test, submit it for marking and review the feedback. After 90 days you will no longer have access to the test.
The tests are designed to supplement study and tuition and be used as a final check before you take your exams. They should not be used any more than 90 days before your exam. So they should not be purchased any earlier than 90 days!
When you login to myACCA and select the Practice Tests link you will be able to view all of your purchased tests. From there you will be able to choose your test number and start a test.
If you have any tests in progress you will be able to continue them from where you left off and you will also be able to view your feedback for all tests that have been marked and are still within their validity period.
Practice Tests work in the same way as the syllabus and study guide and your tuition materials – they have an associated exam year. We will review the tests each year to ensure that they reflect any changes in what is being examined.
The tests will be reviewed each time the syllabus is reviewed and will be updated wherever necessary. As with the ACCA syllabus, sometimes this can be a significant change and sometimes it can be minor, sometimes there may be no change at all. The important thing is that you select the exam year that relates to when you are planning to sit your exams.
This will only ever appear when an exam year is coming to an end. There will be an overlap period which will mean that you can choose to sit a Practice Test for the current exam syllabus or for the next exam year. If you are presented with this choice when you wish to start a test, you should choose the exam year that relates to when you are planning to sit your exam.
Yes, the tests are purchased and completed entirely online and there is no paper alternative. As the tests are designed to reflect the CBE experience they should be completed on a PC or laptop computer. The tests were not designed to operate on a tablet.
You need to use an up to date browser to get the full benefits of Practice Tests. Some functionality may be limited if you are using an old browser.
Current versions of Chrome, EDGE and Firefox are acceptable. We do not recommend you use Internet Explorer. Please also ensure that you have enabled pop-ups in your browser before you take a practice test.
Once you submit your test for marking, you will receive an overall percentage, showing if you have passed or failed the test.
You will then access a personalised feedback diagram. The diagram shows the layout of the syllabus with a Red, Amber or Green status showing how well you have performed in each section of the syllabus. If you click on the syllabus section, you will see a further breakdown showing how you have performed in the subject area.
The diagram gives you an at a glance view of how well you have performed in the different sections of the syllabus. The red, amber and green status will help you to prioritise which areas you should concentrate your final revision on.
You can then select the sections where your results are weakest and review all of the questions that contributed to your score. These questions will be shown on the ‘Results Breakdown Screen’. This screen will show you which questions you have lost marks on.
Yes, all of the questions which make up the subject area are displayed and you can then view your answer, along with the correct answer and explanations for each question.
ACCA strongly recommends that you choose to study with one of our Approved Learning Partners (ALP). Our tuition provider directory is available online and you can locate your nearest ALP if you download the ACCA Student Planner App.
Use Practice Tests once you have completed studying your full exam syllabus. The tests are designed to supplement study and tuition, help you focus your final stages of revision and be used as a final check before you take your exams.
Practice Tests are a final revision product so should not be purchased any more than 90 days before your exam.
First of all, the tests must be completed online - after that it’s up to you. It would be best for you to take the test in a quiet, comfortable setting so that you can try to replicate the exam experience as much as possible. As the tests are designed to reflect the on-demand CBE experience they must be completed on a PC or laptop computer.
Yes, the tests have a built in timer to allow you to see how you would perform when you are up against the clock. You will receive all of the time-warning messages that you would receive in a live exam but when you reach the end of the exam you will have the option to submit the test for marking or if you prefer, you can continue until you want to submit.
As well as checking out your knowledge, you need to build confidence in your ability to complete the test in the two hours you will have in the real exam, so it’s important to check that you can complete the test in two hours.
You can complete your Practice Test over multiple sittings but you can only submit it once for marking. Whenever you log out the system will remember where you were and how long you had been working on the test. The next time you log in you will start from where you left off and the clock will start up again at that same point.
An individual test can be completed and submitted only once for marking. After you submit a test for marking you can revisit the test feedback as much as you need to, but you cannot make any changes to your answers.
You can purchase and repeat the test if you wish to but please remember: the best way to measure your progress is to challenge yourself with a new set of questions. This means that it would be better for your revision if you took the three different tests rather than repeating an individual test.
Unfortunately we can’t promise that and a successful Practice Test is not a guarantee of performance in live exams. But taking a Practice Test will allow you to plan your final revision and assess your strengths and weaknesses. It is certainly true that practice of exam style questions and focussed revision will boost your chances of success.
The specimen CBE is very useful and you should definitely access it before you take a live exam, to familiarise yourself with the exam format. The specimen lets you practise some questions and get familiar with the exam functionality, and you can also see how you scored in the questions.
But Practice Tests give you much more. You get additional feedback that analyses your results - breaking down your results for each section of the syllabus. Each section is then split into specific topics, identifying strengths and weaknesses. You then get detailed feedback on each question, with full solutions and explanations. This will let you focus in on the areas that you need to develop before the exam.
Practice Tests couldn’t be more authentic. The questions are authored by the same teams who prepare the live exams and functionality is just like the real thing too.
You can never do too much question practice! Also, if you identify some weak areas when you sit a test, you can take some time to do some more study, and then try another test to build confidence that you have made progress.
Your Practice Test result shows how you performed on a particular set of questions. These, of course, are not the same questions that you will see in the live exam, so nothing is guaranteed! If you make good use of the Practice Test(s) and use the feedback to target your final revision, you are giving yourself the best chance.
Taking a Practice Test would still be useful practice and feedback would be valuable guidance to plan your final revision. But make sure you use the paper specimen exams to see how the exam will look on paper (especially for MTQs in the Applied Knowledge exams, as these look very different in the paper format).
Technology has always been incorporated into the syllabus of the FAB/AB exam, so the change is being made to better reflect the syllabus of the exam. As digital awareness, understanding and capabilities become of ever increasing importance to employers, using 'technology' as part of the exam name helps to emphasise the exam's forward looking focus. This will benefit and help support students demonstrate that they know how technology is used effectively within a financial role.
The exam name will change on the Practice tests from 19 August 2020 and we expect the exam name within the exam itself to change in late September 2020.