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Meet Satvik...

Satvik Walia ACCA

Name? Satvik Walia

Company? Kroll Securities Ltd

Job title? Senior Associate, European Debt Advisory

Favourite food? Indian

Who or what inspires you? My mum

What was your study route? 

My degree was in Economics and I didn’t do any accounting at Uni. I completed my ACCA as part of a training contract with my employer alongside full-time work, via Kaplan who were the learning provider.

What do you do in your spare time (if you have any!)?

Meeting friends, playing football, cycling and eating out at restaurants.

Perfect job?

Owner of a Football Club

Career aspiration?

Still trying to figure this one out!

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Professional Footballer

Favourite holiday destination or holiday type? 

A hot city break but not too far away from the beach.

Biggest support throughout your studies and career? 

My employer, my family, and my girlfriend.

Advice for students going through the exams?

A) believe in yourself, B) remember, if it was easy then everyone would do it! C) Find what works for you in terms of studying and exam practice and apply this to each stage of the qualification.