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Meet Chilufya...

Chilufya Mulenga ACCA

Company: Accelex

Job title: VP of Finance 

Favourite food: Fish and Chips

What was your study route: I studied part time at college and fitted in college with full time work

What do you do in your spare time (if you have any!): I like to play sport (I love netball and hockey) and I love to do spinning and reformer pilates class. Outside, I do love to travel.

Perfect job: Travel blogger/Digital Nomad. Getting paid to travel around and experience new cultures is the dream

Career aspirations: To become a CFO or COO of a high growth technology company

Childhood dream job: I really wanted to be a dermatologist (doctor specialising in skin disorders)

Favourite holiday destination or holiday type: I do love a city break

Biggest support throughout your studies and career: My family, in particular my mum and my sister who were always there to support me through the highs and lows.

Advice for students going through the exams: Never give up. There will be days where it is hard or things aren't going to plan, but it is all worth it in the end.

What is the best thing about being an ACCA member: The opportunities to engage with a wide range of people plus the enhanced career development opportunities

What’s a fun fact about you: I was a volunteer at the Olympics in 2012