Charities - fraud

Updated guidance for trustees has been published

The Charity Commission has updated its guidance on trustee duties to protect charities from fraud and financial abuse.

It also highlights its role and the enforcement measures it takes, before going on to advise where further guidance for trustees can be obtained.

It highlights the following pieces of guidance:

  • Compliance Toolkit: Protecting Charities from Harm, Chapter 3 - Fraud and Financial Crime 
  • Internal Financial Controls for Charities (CC8) 
  • Charities and Fundraising (CC20) 
  • Charities and Risk Management (CC26) 
  • Reporting Serious Incidents - guidance for trustees 
  • Alerts and warnings - the commission raises awareness of particular risks facing charities on its website 
  • Giving Safely and Charity Fraud: a guide for trustees and managers of charities, guidance produced by the Fraud Advisory Panel and the Charity Finance Group.

Those responsible for maintaining guidance for trustees should ensure their procedures are updated to reflect the guidance. Links to each of the above can be found on the Charity Commission website; this can be accessed via the 'Related links' section on this page.