Get involved
Use your hard work and experience and continue to help shape the future

ACCA members help to shape the future of the profession. Backed by a career committed to staying relevant, and life experience, you’ve got a wealth of knowledge that can support the next generation.
AGM and Council elections
Lifetime members can continue to take part in the AGM (annual general meeting) and vote in Council elections.
By getting involved you’ll help to shape our strategy and support Council to govern ACCA for the benefit of members.
Network panels
Joining a member network or panel allows you to meet with other members with similar interests or experience.
You’ll also be supporting those members still working and lending your voice to how we develop resources for members as well as our role in the profession.
Check with your local office for details and market panel rules.
The ACCA mentoring programme aims to connect people from across the ACCA family to share expertise. As a mentor you’ll be able to share your knowledge, give back to the profession - and often learn something new too.
Being an advocate for ACCA simply means talking in a positive way about ACCA and the profession.
Members can advocate in a range of ways. From sharing news and technical updates with your social network, recommending ACCA’s jobs board as a place to look for staff or sharing your story with someone interested in becoming an accountant. Sharing is caring! Be inspired by the ways that you could become an ACCA advocate.