Clive Webb,
Head of Business Management

Clive is the Head of Business Management in ACCA’s Policy and Insights team. His research covers developments from the perspective of the CFO and the finance function including the skill requirements, the use of technology and the overall direction of the function. Clive’s work has also considered how organisations transform and how internal control plays a part in this.
His research covers developments from the perspective of the CFO and the finance function including the skill requirements, the use of technology and the overall direction of the function. Clive’s work has also considered how organisations transform and how internal control plays a part in this.
Clive’s most recent research covers the evolution of the CFO into a more value centric role and the social agenda in the context of a just transition. Clive is also the author of research into diversity, equity and inclusion in the profession.
Clive is a qualified accountant having worked for several years for one of the Big 4 as both an auditor and as a consultant. He has considerable global experiences having worked in several locations.