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Making yourself indispensable
Ever wondered how to make yourself indispensable to your employer? We find out how with help from experts at Michael Page and Robert Half

How to gain work experience
We look at some of the best ways to gain work-based experience in order to boost your career prospects

LinkedIn: gaining extra value
We look at some of the best ways to gain work-based experience in order to boost your career prospects

CV – showcase all your highlights
There are a number of key personal highlights that are frequently left off trainees’ CVs. Alex Miller highlights the most common ones – and why they are so important

The perfect balance
We look at achieving the right balances in your career and the reasons why it is so important

The ‘most difficult’ interview questions
We ask leading recruitment experts to reveal the hardest questions they have ever heard asked of trainees in an interview situation

Create a winning CV
You apply for a role, your CV arrives on the desk of the HR department... along with at least 100 others. What can you do to make sure your CV makes an impact for all the right reasons?

When did it all start?
Everyone needs an accountant, or so the saying goes. But why would that be? Accounting’s history can be traced back thousands of years to the cradle of civilisation in Mesopotamia and is said to have developed alongside writing, counting and money. The early Egyptians and Babylonians created auditing systems, while the Romans collated detailed financial information

To-do lists: regain control
We suggest a few easy steps…

The joys of problem solving
Many accountants enjoy problem solving more than number crunching. So what typical problems can you look forward to cracking at work? Iwona Tokc-Wilde reports

What do recruiters want from you?
Gain the insight of our career specialists to make it easier for you to find your dream job

Know your potential employer
Before applying for a job or attending a job interview, researching all aspects of a company is crucial to your chances of landing the job

Don’t get caught out
Any exaggeration on your CV can come back to haunt you and could cost you dear

Conquering career doubts
At some point during your studies you may question whether accountancy was the right career choice. Iwona Tokc-Wilde offers some advice on how to overcome the jitters

A bucketful of career clichés?
Job descriptions can often resemble a list of super-adjectives over a page of endless bullet points. They can leave you feeling that no one is that perfect for a role, especially not you

Outrageous excuses
Recruitment experts can easily identify plausible – and less plausible – reasons given by candidates for missing job interviews

Watch your timekeeping
We look at the importance of good timekeeping for creating and retaining the right impression. Alex Miller writes

Marathon or sprint
Leading recruitment experts discuss the best ways to prepare a long-term career plan

Identifying your strengths and weaknesses
We take a look at how you can take stock of your strong and not-so-strong skills sets. Alex Miller writes

How to avoid office gossip… and why
Nothing good is ever likely to come from involving yourself in office politics and gossip

What it takes to become a partner
We take a look at how you can take stock of your strong and not so strong skills sets. Alex Miller writes

Developing a career plan
Leading recruitment experts explain some of their best methods for trainees to consider when looking to develop a career plan

Mind the gap
We take a look at how and when to best explain any employment gaps on your CV

Maintaining your motivation
We explore some simple steps to boost your motivation at work