Kick-start your 2023 CPD

Choose from three webinars, including our popular General Tax Update


General Tax Update
22 February, 9.30am-4.30pm
6 CPD units
The first General Tax Update of 2023 will cover a range of topics within tax including the current status of MTD and how it is progressing. Join us for a practical tax update, covering recent tax and NIC changes.

Riding the Economic Storm
7 March, 9.30am-4pm
6 CPD units
2023/24 is understandably going to be a challenging time for businesses in every sector. Join us to better learn how to navigate the disruptive impact which lies ahead and plan for tough business decisions that may need to be taken.   

Understanding the ISQM Updates
On demand
3 CPD units
Improve your understanding of the theory and discuss implementation of new ISQM updates, using case study examples. This session will offer three perspectives from expert speakers; looking at what motivated IAASB to develop the standards, a deep dive in to how to implement and an ACCA perspective on how they will be monitored.