Spring Budget 2023

Treasury seeking representations ahead of March announcement


The Chancellor has confirmed the next Budget will take place on Wednesday 15 March 2023. The spring Budget will set out the government’s tax and spending plans and will be accompanied by a forecast from the Office for Budget Responsibility.

In the run up to the Budget, HM Treasury has published its guidance for submitting representations. A ‘representation’ is a written submission from an interest group, individual or representative body to HM Treasury with the aim of commenting on government policy and suggesting new policy ideas to be considered in the upcoming Budget. The representations portal is open until 5pm on 1 February 2023.

HM Treasury welcomes representations as part of its policy process. It asks that representations contain policy suggestions and explain the policy rationale, costs, benefits and deliverability of proposals. Proposals should be evidence based.

If you want to contribute but don’t have time to prepare your own submission, then please join the ACCA Member Insights Community and contribute to our Tracker surveys as these help ACCA to make representations to government on behalf of our members.

If you’re already a member you should have received a link to complete the recent Tracker poll. If you’re not yet a member of the community, you can complete the very short survey.