Internal Audit hub

ACCA’s Internal Audit hub provides support to our members working in governance, risk, assurance, control and efficiency (GRACE) and includes sections on:
This section explores what internal auditing is like in practice and the many pitfalls to avoid. A series of guides covers internal audit for beginners, the management team, Heads of Internal Audit and the audit committee.
Our webinars and other resources
ACCA UK’s Internal Audit Network periodically regularly runs free webinars for its members working in internal audit – we have webinars available on demand on blockchain and crypto currencies, cyber security and de-mystifying IT audit.
This section also has a Resources by theme area that collates material produced by ACCA in the past few years by the themes of ethics, audit management, IT and regulation/legislation.
If you're thinking of moving into Internal Audit then our content in this section will help you.
If you would like to gain some insight into the life of an internal auditor then look at our blog series “A day in the life of the invisible auditor” where different internal auditors have provided their thoughts over a period of time.
Reading a CPD article and answering five related questions correctly can count towards your verifiable CPD if you are following the unit route to CPD and the content is relevant to your learning development needs. One hour of learning equates to one unit of CPD. We suggest you use this as a guide when allocating yourself CPD units.
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