Supporting the global profession
Quality auditing remains vital to public confidence and there is keen interest in initiatives that help keep up the pace of improvement.
Standard setting
In 2014, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) issued 'A Framework for Audit Quality', which aimed to raise awareness of the key elements of audit quality, encourage key stakeholders to explore ways to improve audit quality and facilitate greater dialogue between stakeholders on the topic.
Driving the debate
ACCA's Tenets of a quality audit (see right) build upon the IAASB's Framework and articulate the features that a quality audit should possess, recognising that these factors can sometimes exist in mutual tension.
An ongoing open and honest debate is needed about how audit quality can be maximised.
Owing to the way the factors interrelate, in some areas there may be different views about how best to achieve audit quality. In part, these views will be influenced by the political, economic and social environment, as well as technological developments. Hence, the notion of what makes up a quality audit may change over time.

Your feedback
ACCA is pleased to contribute to this important debate and looks forward to receiving feedback on how the factors identified here can lead to improvements in audit quality.
ACCA welcomes comments on this report; please send your feedback to Antonis Diolas, Head of Audit and Assurance.
More in the ACCA tenets series
Supporting the global profession
Tenets of a quality audit
Thoroughness and timeliness
Independence and closeness
Standardisation and autonomy
Delivering a holistic opinion and responding to fraud
Backward-looking and forward-looking
Transparency and confidentiality