Past exams

Sample exams for recent DipIFR exam sessions are listed below. These exams featured in past exam sessions and should therefore be used as a guide only.

Please note the following:

  • The DipIFR CBE uses the same kind of technology found in today’s workplace, including specially designed spreadsheet and word processing response options.
  • The DipIFR exam has 4 x 25 marks questions. The successful candidate will be required to demonstrate knowledge of a range of IFRS standards and should practice questions to ensure they are able to articulate this knowledge while applying it to specific question scenarios.
  • The questions and solutions published on the website appear as they did when the exams were actually set. They have not been updated for any changes in legislation or standards, nor any syllabus and question amends. Thus, they must be used with caution when preparing for current examinations.
  • Updated versions of the questions and solutions, where relevant, can be obtained by purchasing an Exam kit or Practise and Revision kit from ACCA Content Partners.