Key findings from Global Talent Trends 2023: Europe:
  1. The inflation crisis fuels wage pressures
    Rising prices have presented employees and employers with significant challenges, leading to heightened wage demands and talent retention hurdles.
  2. Hybrid and remote working gain momentum
    Across Europe, a larger proportion of professionals than the global average are adopting hybrid and remote working arrangements.
  3. Growing mobility trend raises talent crunch concerns
    While the profession remains attractive, mobility is presenting employers with challenges in accessing and retaining talent.
  4. Addressing burnout needs to be a priority
    Stress and mental health concerns evident across all generations within the profession in Europe.
  5. Technology is empowering, but concerns prevail
    Professionals across Europe recognise the ways in which technology can enhance value, but many are overwhelmed by the pace of change.
  6. Inclusivity measures score well, but social mobility lags
    Leaders across Europe are accessible and respondents report strong inclusivity in workplace cultures, but social mobility remains a concern.
Written by Joe Fitzsimons