
Buying a business is a major commitment and can be a daunting process. Due diligence is a process of discovery that can help you ensure that the business is what you want before buying it. Both buyers and sellers can benefit from the process before acquisition and should take the time to learn what risks are involved.

Explore the process of due diligence from both the buyer and the seller's perspective, with this course. You will learn the importance of due diligence for both parties and will consider the risks involved in buying or selling a business, and what you can do to minimise these. You'll also discover the due diligence process for the purchase and sale of online businesses.

This course will enable you to:

  • understand the role of due diligence in the acquisition process, and the need for disclosure and reporting.
  • identify the benefits of conducting due diligence as a buyer before purchasing a business.
  • explore due diligence from the seller’s perspective and how to find the right buyer for your business.
  • consider the risks involved in buying and selling a business, and why the process may sometimes fail.

Key information

  • learn at your own pace
  • develop your own learning needs
  • iPad/Android compatible
  • exclusive member benefit – 10% discount.
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Helping accountants grow

Disclaimer: This course is available for ACCA members, you may need your ACCA membership number to complete your booking. This course and outline is provided by a third-party course provider. All course bookings are subject to the terms and conditions set by the course provider. Please see individual supplier pages for full terms and conditions. ACCA takes no liability for bookings made with third-party suppliers.