
As accountants, we are always looking for ways to improve business. But how do you increase sales and reduce cost? Processes need to be put in place and effective communication is vital when establishing and executing a plan.

For lasting improvements, it is necessary to put in place a structured approach that looks across the whole business to improve productivity. This course takes a comprehensive look at the various options your or your client’s business has for long-term improvement. You will learn how to control costs by examining pricing strategies, margins and discounts; how to maximise customer profitability, how to control inventory and eliminate waste and the ways you can improve profit by assessing the assets and financing of the business.

This course will enable you to:

  • understand the basics of building a successful business from ensuring staff are motivated to keeping up to date with the digital transformation
  • apply practical approaches to improve revenues keeping the existing customer base in mind
  • explore different methods designed to optimise costs, deliver value, eliminate waste and non-value-added costs
  • identify practical ways your or your client’s business can make use of its assets and control its liabilities.

Key information

  • learn at your own pace
  • help meet your annual CPD requirements
  • develop your own learning needs
  • iPad/Android compatible
  • exclusive member benefit – 10% discount.
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Helping accountants grow

Disclaimer: This course is available for ACCA members, you may need your ACCA membership number to complete your booking. This course and outline is provided by a third-party course provider. All course bookings are subject to the terms and conditions set by the course provider. Please see individual supplier pages for full terms and conditions. ACCA takes no liability for bookings made with third-party suppliers.