
Regular company accounts and charity accounts are very different. They have different financial statements and different laws governing them. Accounting and audit issues in charities are complex and have become increasingly specialised in recent years.

This course demystifies the accounts of charities and ensures you are equipped to deal with the rules and regulations that apply. It gives an overview of charity reporting and highlights some of the pitfalls to avoid when preparing and approving charity financial statements.

This course will enable you to:

  • get to grips with the vast and complex rules and regulations governing charities
  • prepare a statement of financial activities, a balance sheet and cash flow statement
  • understand the difference between the role of the independent examiner and the auditor, and how independent examinations work
  • deal with dually registered charities
  • remain within the law when dealing with clients that are, potentially, breaking them, and report on matters of material significance.

Key information

  • help meet your annual CPD requirements
  • develop your own learning needs
  • exclusive ACCA member discount
  • iPad/Android compatible.
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Helping accountants grow.

Disclaimer: This course is available for ACCA members, you may need your ACCA membership number to complete your booking. This course and outline is provided by a third-party course provider. All course bookings are subject to the terms and conditions set by the course provider. Please see individual supplier pages for full terms and conditions. ACCA takes no liability for bookings made with third-party supplier.