
Revised and updated with even more content on AI.

Advances in technology that impact the accounting world are key to accountants not only staying relevant but continually improving.

This course explores the accounting-specific innovations that you need to know about and how you can use these to improve your practice. Explore how accountants can develop the right mindset for innovation and how it can challenge established norms; by identifying the importance of keeping up to date with new technologies.

This course will enable you to:

  • explain the role of accountants in innovation and the importance of challenging existing processes
  • analyse the major changes and trends in technology infrastructure and software, and how these might affect your organisation
  • identify the common dogmas and pitfalls around implementing new technologies
  • explore accounting-specific technologies, processes, and coding terms that aid in effective innovation
  • recognise how to manage micro and macro changes and their role in the innovation process.

Key information

  • now with personalised course notes to download and keep
  • learn at your own pace
  • help meet your annual CPD requirements
  • exclusive member benefit – 10% discount
  • iPad/Android compatible.
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Helping accountants grow

Disclaimer: This course and outline is provided by a third-party course provider. All course bookings are subject to the terms and conditions set by the course provider. Please see individual supplier pages for full terms and conditions. ACCA takes no liability for bookings made with third-party suppliers