
The biggest risk facing most organisations in the Knowledge Economy is people.  During this webinar, former COO of the Prudential Regulation Authority Christian Hunt, will explore how Behavioural Science (BeSci) can help manage what he calls Human Risk (“the risk of people doing things they shouldn’t, or not doing things they should”).

BeSci is the study of what drives human decision-making. By better understanding it, we can manage risk by reference to how people actually behave, rather than how we would like them to. In a complex and fast-moving world that requires creativity and innovation, organisations are ever more dependent on their Human Capital to succeed.  Yet that asset can equally pose a greater risk than ever before.  

Christian will also explore how, far from reducing Human Risk, the introduction of machine learning, AI and robotics actually increases it.


  • 12:30 - Webinar starts
  • 13:30 - Webinar ends.  


Christian Hunt

Christian specialises in Human Risk (“the risk of people doing things they shouldn’t, or not doing things they should”) and is an advocate and practitioner of the deployment of Behavioural Science (BeSci) in the service of Compliance and Risk Management. 

He was previously Chief Operating Officer of the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), a subsidiary of the Bank of England undertaking financial regulation. Prior to assuming that role Christian was responsible for the supervision of systemically important international banks at the PRA and its predecessor the FSA. His regulatory experience also includes a two-year secondment as a case officer at the UK Takeover Panel.

Christian has been Head of Compliance & Operational Risk Control (C&ORC) for a global Asset Management Firm within a universal bank and EMEA Head of C&ORC for the Firm as a whole.  In these capacities, he pioneered the use of BeSci and established an in-house BeSci capability.  

In his early career, Christian worked as a strategy and economic consultant, before moving into Corporate Finance.

He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and holds an MA in Modern Languages from the University of Oxford.