
ACCA members, future members and others are invited to attend the CFA’s Alpha Global Summit on 17 - 19 May 2022. This free virtual event from the global association of investment professionals - and our partners - will address issues that resonate for the accountancy profession too such as sustainable investing to the purpose of finance to an AI-enhanced future. 

Why attend

Hear from the speakers who matter – from Mo Gawdat to Angela Duckworth to Campbell Harvey. Pursue information and solutions alongside like-minded investment professionals as we cover what it takes for you to succeed in a post-pandemic world.

Speakers include:

Chris Fidler, CFA Institute, Senior Director, Global Industry Standards

Margaret Franklin, CFA, CFA Institute, President and Chief Executive Officer

Mo Gawdat, Solve for Happy and Scary Smart, Author and Speaker

Angela Duckworth, Character Lab, Founder and CEO

Campbell R. Harvey, Professor of Finance, Duke University, Partner and Senior Advisor, Research Affiliates LLC, Author, DeFi and the Future of Finance