
A more diverse, equal, and inclusive workplace is something that employees want – people want to work somewhere where they feel valued and engaged. But how can we help make our workplace a vibrant, welcoming environment? 

As an accountant, you have a wealth of experience and analytical skills that you can use to ensure that your organisation is safe, friendly, and energising. This course looks at equality, diversity and inclusion broadly, and offers practical ways that you can promote a healthy and happy work environment.

This course will enable you to:

  • promote equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • combat discrimination, harassment, and victimisation
  • ensure your organisation is attracting diverse talent, and utilising this talent
  • report on equality within your organisation using established metrics
  • confirm you are compliant with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
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Helping accountants grow

Disclaimer: This course is available for ACCA members, you may need your ACCA membership number to complete your booking. This course and outline is provided by a third-party course provider. All course bookings are subject to the terms and conditions set by the course provider. Please see individual supplier pages for full terms and conditions. ACCA takes no liability for bookings made with third-party suppliers.