Have your say on HMRC’s performance levels

Your feedback could be incredibly valuable and could inform our response on HMRC’s Charter

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ACCA is a member of the Charter Stakeholder Group which provides independent reflections on how HMRC has performed against its Charter Standards over the past year (April 2021 to March 2022) and comments along with other bodies on priority areas HMRC should focus on during 2022-23.  This forms part of the HMRC annual report.

We cover each of the Charter headings:

  • getting things right
  • making things easy
  • being responsive
  • treating you fairly
  • being aware of your personal situation
  • recognising that someone can represent you
  • keeping your data secure.

We need your help and would appreciate your comments, good and bad, on the aims.

We all know that this year HMRC’s response times have been poor. You will have seen that the expectation is that these response times improve for the start of the new Charter year.

We would really appreciate the response to the following two questions:

Aside from performance issues:

  1. Have you noticed any impact of the Charter on HMRC conduct between April 2021- February 2022?
  2. What element of the Charter should HMRC focus on in 2022/23?  

Please do send real-life (though anonymised) examples, as they are incredibly useful and powerful when we provide your feedback.

Please send your comments to UKPolicy@accaglobal.com by close of business on 1 March 2022.