It demonstrates the principles we hold close and makes it easy for a supplier to understand who we are, how we work and what we stand for.

It is a joint commitment between ACCA and our suppliers, leading with our intentions of how we wish to behave and work together to be a force for public good. 

Our code of conduct will help us create common ground with our suppliers for sustainability commitments, this includes our commitment to:

  • Sustainability and business ethics
  • Health, safety and environment
  • Human rights which include’s prevention of modern slavery
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Information security
  • Privacy
  • Building resilience
  • Anti-bribery and anti-corruption. 

In addition to our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), our code of conduct should be read by prospective suppliers and additionally our incumbent suppliers. This can be distributed through their supply chain to subcontractors and those involved in supporting our contracts. 

Supplier code of conduct benefits 

  • By establishing a supplier code of conduct, we are setting clear expectations in the way we  consult and engage with our suppliers
  • Creating further transparency and encouraging collaboration between ACCA and our suppliers
  • Our code of conduct serves as an important benchmark tool for the goods and services we source internationally
  • Our supplier code of conduct will ensure we and our supply chain uphold the highest standards as set out by the UNSDG’s. 

Monitoring approach

ACCA’s supplier code of conduct is a multi-stakeholder initiative that may include: 

  • New tools for understanding supplier performance on the topics addressed. These may include assessments and evaluations  
  • New processes in our procurement and supply chain management to integrate these measurements into procurement decisions 
  • Commercial enforcement mechanisms such as contract clauses and eligibility for rewards incentives such as “preferred supplier” or “key supplier” status programs 
  • Internal management efforts to train employees and suppliers on the code of conduct and its implications for your business.