The entity adjusts any related liability and property, plant and equipment in its opening statement of financial position on the date of transition (for FYE 31 December 2016, the date of transition would be at 1 January 2016) for the effects of measuring the property, plant and equipment at its deemed cost (fair value on 1 January 2016)
The entity adjusts its property, plant and equipment in its opening statement of financial position on the date of transition (for FYE 31 December 2016, the date of transition would be at 1 January 2015) for the effects of measuring the property, plant and equipment at its deemed cost (fair value on 1 January 2015)
The entity adjusts its retained earnings and property, plant and equipment in its opening statement of financial position on the date of transition (for FYE 31 December 2016, the date of transition would be at 1 January 2015) for the effects of measuring the property, plant and equipment at its deemed cost (fair value on 1 January 2015)
The entity recognises the increase in the value of the PPE from valuation in its current year profit and loss and property, plant and equipment in its current statement of financial position in the year of effective adoption of MPERS (i.e. financial year 2016) for the effects of measuring the property, plant and equipment at its deemed cost