Protection for whistleblowers

In order to be awarded CPD units you must answer the following five random questions correctly. If you fail the test, please re-read the article before attempting the questions again

  1. According to a 2022 EU Eurobarometer poll, what percentage of Irish people believe corruption to be a widespread problem?

  2. Across the EU, on average what percentage of people believe corruption to be a widespread problem in their country?

  3. From 2017-20, what percentage of whistleblowing-related claims brought before the Workplace Relations Commission were successful?

  4. When was the Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act introduced?

  5. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act?

  6. If an organisation does not have a whistleblowing policy in place, what should be its primary aim?

  7. Which of the following statements is true? Statement 1, former employees and board members are protected by the legislation; or Statement 2, job applicants and contractor are protected by the legislation

  8. Which organisations must establish formal channels and procedures around protected disclosures?

  9. Which of the following is NOT a protected disclosure?

  10. Which organisations have an extended deadline of December 2023 to comply with the procedural requirements of the Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act?

1 Unit