Revenue refashions intervention regime

In order to be awarded CPD units you must answer the following five random questions correctly. If you fail the test, please re-read the article before attempting the questions again.

  1. When did Revenue's new compliance intervention framework take effect?

  2. Which area of tax compliance is not covered by the new code of practice?

  3. How has Revenue's risk profiling of taxpayers improved?

  4. What do the changes focus on?

  5. How does the new risk review process differ from the previous aspect query?

  6. If an underpayment is identified, how many extra days can a taxpayer request to prepare the prompted qualifying disclosure?

  7. What information should be included in a disclosure?

  8. What is the minimum number of days that taxpayers now have to prepare for an audit?

  9. What type of qualifying disclosure has been added to the new framework?

  10. Under which of the following circumstances will penalties not apply?

1 Unit