The emerging leader

In order to be awarded CPD units you must answer the following five random multiple-choice questions correctly. If you fail the test, please reread the article before attempting the questions again.

  1. Which of the following arguments is made in the article?

  2. Which of the following statements is supported by the arguments made in the article?

  3. Which of the following statements would be most likely to be included in a questionnaire designed to measure an individual's potential for leadership?

  4. Given that there is evidence for the so-called babble hypothesis, which of the following actions might be useful for employees who wish to be noticed during team meetings?

  5. Which of the following statements would be the most likely to be included in a questionnaire measuring promotive voice?

  6. Which of the following statements would be least likely to feature in a questionnaire measuring prohibitive voice?

  7. Which of the following statements about self-promotion is least correct?

  8. Which of the following statements is correct in terms of enhancing people's likely status as emergent leaders?

  9. In terms of tactics that help men versus women to be identified as leaders, which of the following statements is most correct?

  10. Which of the following statements is most likely to measure boundary-spanning behaviours?

1 Unit