Karen Welsh
Karen Welsh is a Senior risk and assurance auditor in the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)

How did you come to be in Internal Audit?
I was working in Finance at the Further Education Department at Cardiff University and was required to undertake an audit review assignment as part of my studies. I asked to work with the Internal Audit Unit, Cardiff University on one of their audit reviews. I found the work really interesting including all the different areas of the business the internal audit unit covered, and I was lucky to obtain a permanent role at the Unit. After completing my studies, I moved to London and accepted an internal audit position in MOPAC.
What do you enjoy about being an internal auditor?
I work in a diverse and complex environment at the heart of London Governance with a wide range of clients including the Metropolitan Police Service and the Greater London Authority. It is an unusual environment as having a new Mayor could result in a new Deputy Mayor of Policing with their own ideas on how the department should be run. As yet such changes haven't affected us much in audit but there is always the possibility that it could. Our GLA Audit Panels are chaired by Assembly Members who robustly question our findings, but it is an enjoyable challenge.