Looking for Internal Audit resources and CPD?

Latest webinars
Courage...and calling it out as it is
John Chesshire explains why courage is so critical for every internal auditor and illustrates his talk with examples drawn from his extensive work in the UK and overseas.
Communication - doing more by doing less
In this session, Sara I. James covers some of the myths and methods related to internal audit communications. From initial emails to final reports, how can you do more with less?
Latest CPD articles
UK SOX is (still) coming – it’s time to prepare
While the details may not yet be fully concrete, and we're not completely certain about when it will come into force, we have a pretty good idea about the general shape of a UK SOX mandate. Tim Le Mare of Workiva lays out the actions you can take now to prepare for UK SOX.
What’s on the radar looking forward? How to use risk hot spot updates
The number of risk hot spot updates has grown considerably over the years but there are catches with using them and you need to exercise quality control over their use. James Paterson of Risk Assurance & Insights gives his pointers on how to use these updates.
Find more CPD articles and webinars on our CPD Resource Finder.
ACCA's Internal Audit hub
ACCA’s Internal Audit hub provides support to our members working in governance, risk, assurance, control and efficiency (GRACE) and includes sections on:
This section explores what internal auditing is like in practice and the many pitfalls to avoid. A series of guides covers internal audit for beginners, the management team, Heads of Internal Audit and the audit committee.
Our webinars and other resources
ACCA UK’s Internal Audit Network periodically regularly runs free webinars for its members working in internal audit – we have webinars available on demand on blockchain and crypto currencies, cyber security and de-mystifying IT audit.
This section also has a Resources by theme area that collates material produced by ACCA in the past few years by the themes of ethics, audit management, IT and regulation/legislation.
If you're thinking of moving into Internal Audit then our content in this section will help you.
If you would like to gain some insight into the life of an internal auditor then look at our blog series “A day in the life of the invisible auditor” where different internal auditors have provided their thoughts over a period of time.