In order to run the exams safely and securely our exam partners are required to obtain and store students' personal data and film students taking their exams. This data will be shared with us.
You will be asked to provide consent during the booking process to confirm that you are happy for these processes to take place. Some of these processes are highlighted below:
- Film and record visually and audibly students taking exams.
- Observe, record and flag any student actions or behaviours that are not allowed during an exam.
- Store the Chatbox live chat between the student and proctor.
- All filming and recordings will be only be viewed and used for the sole purposes of conducting the exam securely and administering post-exam related activities including any disciplinary matters.
- Recordings will be stored securely and will be erased when no longer required.
- For the sole purposes of conducting the exam and related post-exam activities, some of your personal data will be collected and stored securely on their systems. Your data will not be shared with any other party not involved in this process.
- You will be asked to at various points in the process to read and confirm you understand the Data Privacy policies of the British Council and ProctorU.
- It is the responsibility of students to ensure all their contact details they submit are correct.
- ProctorU leverages Artificial Intelligence(AI) in its live proctoring of exams - find out more information
Please note that ACCA have the right to view exam recordings when there has been unusual or suspicious activity noted by the remote proctor during an exam, or there has been cheating or misconduct during an exam. Exam recordings will be used as evidence during disciplinary hearings.
Your data will not be shared with any other third parties and will only be used for the purposes of running the exam and for related post-exam activities.