1 Business essential
Succession planning involves identifying those with the potential to be promoted to existing roles once the current incumbents have moved on. Forward-thinking employers see succession planning as a crucial part of long-term HR strategy – especially in times of acute skill shortages, when professionals have never enjoyed so many career opportunities. Failing to plan for succession can limit an employer’s ability to cope with the departure of key managers.
2 Pole position
To mark your place, ensure your desire for promotion is noted at your appraisal. Ask regularly about more responsibility (without demanding a pay rise) and be around at times when your boss is likely to need extra help. Take an interest in the company’s business, not just those areas which affect your job – the powers that be must know you can see the bigger picture. Internal networking is key. Attend office socials and don’t pass up on opportunities to meet people in other departments.
3 Plan ahead
Your own chances of promotion may decline if there’s no one obvious to fill your shoes. Try a spot of informal mentoring with one or two junior colleagues who you consider able to learn how to carry out your job competently – but only those who won’t take up too much of your time and who are ambitious to get on themselves. Your boss’s promotion prospects will be enhanced if senior managers see you as being ready to move up – so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Everyone wins.