Rumen became interested in accounting while in his third year at Sofia University. Having previously thought of it as ‘only bookkeeping’, Rumen was inspired to change career direction following a series of accountancy lectures.
Rumen also heard about ACCA and realised the potential of a career in accounting: ‘I visited the ACCA website and talked to people already studying for their accountancy exams. I realised that the ACCA qualification was very challenging but also a great professional opportunity.’
Rumen decided to start his ACCA studies while still at university: ‘I saw ACCA as the best route to my chosen career, and my decision has proved correct. ACCA provides up-to-date knowledge of the highest standard, it has members and students all over the world, it is recognised almost everywhere, and opens the door to a global career.’ Rumen registered with ACCA in 2002, along with his wife: ‘It was much easier to share the long nights of hard study and exam preparation, as well as the positive results of all our efforts.’
Rumen started ACCA before he left university and so on graduation he needed to find an employer that would help him to continue in his chosen career: ‘I needed practical experience in order to complete my studies, and I was keen to work in audit. I considered for application the top audit firms in Bulgaria, finally gaining a position in AFA. I knew it was a great opportunity – friends already working in audit (ACCA members) described AFA as a company where I would learn a great deal and where I could build a successful long-term career. Most importantly, AFA fully supported my ACCA studies.
‘I started as an audit assistant, completely new to audit. The first days were not easy, but I was happy to be working in my chosen field, and supported by my employer in my professional development. I worked on audits in some of the largest Bulgarian companies and now I feel confident in what I do and can see my career prospects developing every day.’
As an ACCA Accredited Employer, AFA provides structured support designed to help students make the most of their studies: ‘We get a lot of practical help: AFA pays for our exams, books and subscription fees, provides paid leave for exam preparation, and supervises and reviews our Student Training Records. It even runs additional courses if ACCA students request more help. What I like most, however, is the freedom AFA gives us to choose which exams to sit and when.’
Rumen is also now involved with ACCA as an organisation: ‘I am on the Steering Committee of the ACCA Bulgaria Society, which is just a year old. I help organise society events and assist ACCA students and members with professional matters. ACCA is a global organisation, and through the society it has developed a strong local identity: ACCA is not a distant global body, impossible to reach, but is here, in our country, ready to help.’
As a result of both AFA and ACCA support, Rumen is looking forward to an exciting future: ‘With the progress I’ve achieved in my job and ACCA studies, I am becoming increasingly confident of both my knowledge and my competence. This makes me look to the future with enthusiasm and optimism that my career has just started and the prospects are bright.’