Become your own best advert If you don’t promote yourself, no-one else will. Make yourself known in your local accountancy circles or in the wider business community. Attending ACCA events is just the start – Chambers of Commerce, sporting activities, and young professionals’ groups all provide networking opportunities.
Could you participate more in these events, or volunteer to help in their organisation? What expertise or knowledge do you have that might make an effective presentation? These activities will expose you to valuable contacts – not just fellow students and prominent members, but also other speakers who might be high achievers themselves, and of course recruitment consultants, many of whom sponsor events precisely to meet people like you. You stand a greater chance of being ‘spotted’ and remembered when you’re on stage, or known as an organiser or leader, than you will if you are seated in the audience.
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know
Even when you are not looking to change jobs, maintain contact with a few trusted recruitment consultants – most will happily keep a ‘watching brief’ on your behalf, only contacting you with highly-targeted opportunities. Recruitment consultants frequently switch employers themselves, taking clients with them. Striking up a good rapport increases your chance of being recalled by those who have moved on but need a fresh supply of good candidates. Recommending friends or colleagues for those opportunities that don’t suit your aspirations is also a useful way to stay in touch.