Comments from ACCA to the International Accounting Education Standards Board, October 2009.
ACCA welcomes the opportunity to comment on IAESB's proposed new strategy and work plan and is in agreement with this exposure draft.
ACCA is pleased to see the special focus on communications and diversification in its approach to channelling messages to different types of stakeholders especially academics.
ACCA feels that the work plan is very ambitious and that it may be better for the IAESB to focus on communication and development of standards rather than carrying out further work on the implementation and adoption guidance at the same time.
ACCA recognises the need to stagger the work of the four task forces working on the revision of IESs 1-8. However we note that the task force working on IES 8 will not finish work and approve its final document until 4 th Quarter 2012. Bearing in mind the feedback and concern surrounding the current IES 8, it might be helpful to schedule this for completion earlier.
Last updated 11 Apr 2012