Dividend allowance

As the tax year 2016/17 closes we will see the calculations and the impact of the dividend allowance. 

Dividends received over £5,000 will be taxed at the following rates:

  • 7.5% on dividend income within the basic rate band
  • 32.5% on dividend income within the higher rate band
  • 38.1% on dividend income within the additional rate band

In the following examples the following limits are assumed:

Personal allowance:   £11,000

Basic rate limit:           £32,000

Higher rate threshold: £43,000



1. Mr A has salary income of £6,500 and dividend income of £12,000 from shares outside an ISA.


Salary                                                                  6,500

Dividends                                                           12,000


Personal allowance                                          (11,000)


Dividend allowance                                            (5,000)

Income taxed at dividend basic rate of 7.5%       2,500

Tax payable £2,500 x 7.5% = £187.50



2. Mr B has salary income of £18,000 and dividend income of £22,000 from shares outside an ISA.


Salary                                                                 18,000

Dividends                                                           22,000


Personal allowance                                          (11,000)


Dividend allowance                                            (5,000)


Income taxed at dividend basic rate of 7.5%     17,000

Salary income taxed at basic rate of 20%           7,000                                                                                                                               24,000

Tax payable £17,000 x 7.5%                                1,275

Tax payable £7,000 x 20%                                   1,400



3. Mr C has salary income of £40,000 and dividend income of £9,000 from shares outside an ISA.


Salary                                                               40,000

Dividends                                                            9,000


Personal allowance                                         (11,000)


Dividend allowance                                           (5,000)


Salary income taxed at basic rate 20%             29,000

Income taxed at dividend higher rate 32.5%       4,000


Tax payable £29,000 x 20%                                5,800

Tax payable £4,000 x 32.5%                               1,300


You can see more examples at ACCA's technical advice and support pages.