FRS 102 offers several options to establish the value at which intangible assets already recognised at the point of transition to FRS 102 can be brought into the new reporting regime. An intangible asset can be shown at the original cost, at fair value as deemed cost or at the most recent revaluation amount before transition, if such a revaluation is possible.
In practice, most intangible assets are most likely to be shown at the original cost, unless a reference to an active market is possible to establish a revalued amount. While it is generally accepted that the existence of an active market in relation to intangibles is rare, some examples of intangibles which could meet the revaluation recognition criteria are licences, for example taxi licences, or quotas.
Goodwill at the point of transition is not to be restated, unless an impairment is required: FRS 102.35.10 (a) Business combinations, including group reconstructions, says that ‘intangible assets subsumed within goodwill shall not be separately recognised’; and ‘no adjustment shall be made to the carrying value of goodwill’.