Virtual event: 30th Nov – 1st Dec 2021
Business leaders and policymakers will meet on 30 November and 1 December at the 2021 European Business and Nature Summit (EBNS) - a high-level political and technical forum - to capitalise on the growing awareness that businesses impact and depend on nature and the ecosystem services it provides. They will aim to mobilise the business community and strengthen the European "Business for Biodiversity movement" called upon by the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. ACCA is one of the organising partners.
Confirmed speakers include: Virginijus Sinkevičius, EU Commissioner for Environment, European Commission; Bérangère Abba, Secretary of State for
Biodiversity French Ministry of Ecological Transition; Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, CEO BNP Paribas ; Ilham Kadri, CEO Solvay ; Jean-Bernard Levy, CEO EDF; Catherine MacGregor, CEO Engie; Patrick Pouyanné; CEO TotalEnergies; Geoffroy Roux de Bezieux, President, MEDEF; Magali Anderson, CSO Holcim, Sylvie Goulard, Deputy Governor, Banque de France; Sharon Machado, Head of Business Reporting at ACCA, and many more.
Plenary #1 - Towards a nature positive world: scaling up actions in a post-Covid-19 context
Plenary #2 - Nature, climate and land-use: managing risks and trade-offs in an integrated approach
Plenary #3 - International supply chains and imported biodiversity loss across sectors
Closing Plenary - Collective actions to mainstream nature in economic life and align economic recovery with ecological transition
As business and finance are becoming more aware of their dependence on nature, they are finding that successful business solutions to tackle biodiversity loss and climate crisis already exist, and many of these solutions are financially rewarding. However, a profound and broad mindset shift from business leaders is required to adopt such models at scale. EBNS 2021 will give participants an opportunity to share best practices, experiences and solutions from businesses and business networks across Europe and regions where European businesses are active, and discuss how to scale up these solutions through consistent business voluntary actions and public policies.
Following the UNFCCC COP26 and the official opening of UNCBD COP15, and ahead of the French presidency of the EU in the first half of 2022, EBNS 2021 will gather high-level public and private decision-makers to discuss and agree on a course of action for leading a biodiversity-friendly recovery in Europe.
The Summit will offer a mix of high-level plenary and in-depth thematic parallel sessions on topics such as:
EBNS 2021 is organised as a virtual event. The sessions will be in English, with French interpretation available. Consult the preliminary programme under this page downloads.
The Summit welcomes businesses of all sizes – from SMEs to large corporations and financial institutions and representatives of the public sector - for one and a half days of stimulating discussions, knowledge exchanges, and networking opportunities. Members of scientific community or non-governmental organisations interested in business action are also welcomed to participate.
For more information visit here
Business networks willing to support the organisation of the Summit, through facilitating its visibility, and organising side events are invited to reach out to the event organisers.
EU B@B Platform: