Free webinars and podcasts for practitioners

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Technical webinars

Our autumn series of free technical webinars for practitioners is underway. Each webinar lasts an hour and starts at 12.30pm:

  • How to deal with HMRC nudge letters and information requests
    Available on demand – presented by Phil Berwick of Berwick Tax Ltd
  • MTD for Income Tax: an update and practical guide
    Available on demand – presented by Chris Downing and Jess Jensen of Sage
  • Unravelling the new rules for non-domiciled individuals
    13 November – presented by Ros Martin
  • Key changes to FRS 102 following the periodic review
    4 December – presented by Steve Collings of LWA Ltd.

Join us live or watch on demand at your convenience – register for any or all of the autumn webinar series. Each webinar counts for one unit of verifiable CPD where it is relevant to the work that you do.

Our completed spring series is now available on demand – register for any or all of the spring webinar series:

  • Associated companies – understanding the principles and avoiding the pitfalls
    Presented by Ros Martin
  • Protecting yourself and your client during an HRMC enquiry
    Presented by Phil Berwick of Berwick Tax Ltd
  • An introduction to trusts
    Presented by Vanessa Clark and Sati Virdee of Azets.

Deconstructing advisory: why it’s simpler than you think

Shifting to delivering advisory services to clients is not only incredibly rewarding but becoming increasingly essential as technology shortcuts accounts production and related functions. But for some the word advisory is filled with ambiguity, for others it's a scare word and for some it excites them, but they're not sure how to deliver it or approach clients with it.

In partnership with Shane Lukas of AVN Inspiring Accountants, this 12-part webinar series will help you to understand and develop an advisory offering.

The entire series is now available on demand – register for the whole series.


Bean Counter to Boss 2.0 video series

Following the success of their Bean Counter to Boss podcast series on starting an accounting practice, hosts Amy Hancock of Hancock & Hastings, and James Goulsbra of GTA Accounting return with fresh insights in an evolution of the show – now as a video series. Here, they dive deeper into how they do what they do so that you can get an inside look at how a practice runs.

So far, Amy and James have looked at onboarding, handovers and relationship building, bookkeeping and VAT returns, and preparing year end accounts and tax returns. Future episodes will look at self-assessment tax returns, advisory services, staffing and what the future holds.

Watch all available episodes

This video series complements our Bean Counter to Boss podcast series and our hub Creating Tomorrow’s Practice Today – a hub covering regulation, tips from other members and ACCA partners, and how you can build your community.
