Tax guides for your clients

Client-facing guides that you can re-purpose and share

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With the self-assessment deadline fast approaching, here are some quick guides to send to your clients that will assist them and you with the filing obligations this season and in future.

The guides are purposefully brief and basic and can be re-purposed to your business headings, and should serve as quick tips on some of the common areas of concern around self-assessment.

They can also be used as marketing tools as quick guides with your business branding. Hopefully, with these tools, you can educate your clients on the most frequently asked questions around tax returns.

Tax inspections and how to avoid them

Only some 7% of tax inspections are triggered at random ‘so HMRC can check that they are targeting their inspections properly and also so that nobody feels safe’. The vast majority, though, happen when HMRC believes there's something wrong.

What to do when you lose your tax records

‘HMRC will expect you to make a “reasonable effort” to complete an accurate return and there's a difference between losing records through circumstances beyond your control and losing records through shoddy filing,’ says Russell Cockburn, former tax inspector and now a tax consultant.

Home expenses to claim when you're self-employed FAQs

An expense is allowable as a deduction only if it is incurred 'wholly and exclusively' for business purposes, but it doesn't have to be billed separately nor does the part of your home have to be set aside permanently for business.

ACCA guide to VAT accounting schemes

HMRC offers a range of options depending on your turnover and type of business. VAT accounting schemes can make your life easier, simplifying your VAT accounting and in some cases improving your cashflow.

ACCA guide to preparing your annual accounts

Help your clients to ensure that they fulfil their legal requirements. Almost all companies use accounting software and the services of an accountant to prepare their accounts. Being organised makes it relatively simple to provide the information accountants need. Use this information to review and improve your business operations.

ACCA guide to common VAT problems

Problems with VAT are common and serious cashflow crises can arise - for example if you fail to set aside enough funds to pay your VAT bill. Be prepared to handle the pitfalls.

ACCA guide to company cars and tax

Company cars remain a popular employee benefit. Both employers and employees need to consider the tax implications of company cars before making decisions. A car’s CO2 emission levels can have a significant impact, as can the decision whether to buy, lease or use your own car. Find out more about the options and implications.

ACCA guide to Making Tax Digital: how to file a VAT return

Help your clients understand how MTD will affect them in the future. In the long-term all taxpayers – including businesses, sole traders and landlords – will be required to file their tax information using digital apps on a quarterly basis. MTD is being introduced gradually – and it started in April 2019 with VAT returns.

Other useful resources

Making tax digital hub

Technical factsheet: treatment of benefits in kind – P11D guidance