• Each team comprises four pullers, one passenger and two assistants (highly recommended though optional; the roles of assistants can be taken care of by the other pullers at the changeover areas). The passenger must remain seated in the rickshaw at all times until the last section of the race.
  • Passengers must be over 12 years of age, alive and human.  Passengers must wear helmets and protective coverings for arms and knees provided by the race marshals.
  • Rickshaw Teams Costume Parade
    Before commencement of the race, all rickshaw teams will be invited to join a Rickshaw Teams Costume Parade. Members of each rickshaw team and its cheering team (1) are encouraged to wear their specially designed costumes and (2) teams will be invited to march along the designated parade route. All participating teams will make a brief stop at the Judges’ area and perform for about 30 seconds. Teams are free to use whatever means to demonstrate their high team spirit and distinguished characteristics to compete for the Outstanding Costume Award and Best Cheering Team Award.


Rickshaw Race Championship (4 awards)

Awards will be given to the 4 fastest teams including Champion, 1st Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up and 3rd Runner-up.

Outstanding Costume Awards (3 awards)

Participating teams are invited to dress up in their specially designed costumes to compete for the Award during the Rickshaw Teams Costume Parade. The theme of this year is: 同行百二載, 奔向可持續未來 120 Years of Impact: Run Ahead to a Sustainable Future. Marking will be based on those teams whose costumes and performances can best match the theme.

Top Donation Achiever Award (1 award)

The award is to acknowledge the great efforts of the team for being able to raise the largest amount of donation for the event.

Best Cheering Team Awards (3 awards)

The awards will be presented to the rickshaw teams that together with its cheering team (max 15 persons per team) can demonstrate good team spirits during the Rickshaw Teams Costume Parade. 

ACCA Chairman Tertiary Cup

Students studying in tertiary institutions will be invited to participate in the race. Each rickshaw team will comprise 4 runners, 1 passenger and a maximum of 2 assistants. 

With support from ACCA Past Chairmen, the entry fee has been waived. The 3 fastest teams will be awarded as Champion, 1st and 2nd Runners-ups. Teams will be recorded by race time individually, i.e. not competing with the team that race together.